8th February 2025

Live Education

This branch of the Toolkit includes workshops, the TOOLKIT COURSE and TOOLKIT MENTORING.

Toolkit Mentoring

If you are too busy to attend our LIVE WORKSHOPS but don't want to miss out on the Toolkit 'EXPERIENCE' then develop a special personal working relationship with Keith and Paul through our MENTORING PROGRAMME.

The Toolkit mentoring programme is already a proven success:

  • Help on Tap

'Keith has an incredible understanding of tennis and people and has, without fail provided solutions to difficult coaching problems.  His knowledge of people and practice is unsurpassed and I am immensely grateful for every piece of advice he has given me over the years.'

Graeme Livingstone, founder and owner of MatchPoint

  • Its Great Value

'Your emails are brilliant. So inspiring and so to the point. I can't put a price on the value of them to me.'

Jamie Baker, Davis Cup Player UK

" The mentoring programme with Keith has provided a real focus in my coaching. It has challenged me in many areas and helped me to develop my coaching philosophy. I feel I am operating with greater effectiveness due to my improved ability to prioritise, and I am developing a wider repertoire of skills to plan, problem solve and negotiate with players, parents and fellow coaches.  Keith has encouraged me to reflect on my coaching practice; this has been invaluable to my continued personal and professional development but also benefitted our support team as a whole within the Academy".  

Richard Crabtree - Head Coach, Nuffield Tennis Academy


  • More than just Coaching

'I have learnt more from Keith than any other coach. Keith's influence didnt just teach me some new skills, it helped to transform my whole approach to coaching in a profound way which I'm deeply grateful for.'

John Thompson, Welti Tennis centre


  • Energy and Enthusiasm

Now we are half way through our first year with Keith, and I can say with confidence that every session he has been involved in has been brilliant. We asked Keith to work with a wide range of players, from 17 year olds who are competing internationally on the ITF circuit, all the way through to a small group of 10 year players. Keith's ability to work at such a high quality but always managing to pitch it at the right level, is a true skill that I am privileged to observe. Of course one of the biggest positives about Keith's visit are the energy and enthusiasm he leaves with the coaches. The whole coaching team is buzzing after one of Keith's visit, and this of course filters down into their coaching within the programme.



Ed Isard, Head of Performance - WHLTC



  • Your Tennis Life - Your  Agenda

'Keith has directly impacted upon more individuals through his mentoring than he will ever know!' When I need answers, I consult my tennis encyclopedia, Keith Reynolds.'

Jason Revill,

What you get

  • 25% discount off the Toolkit Full Version!
  • 15% off other Live Education (including Toolkit Courses)
  • Personal contact with Keith or Paul about your coaching, players and business
  • Priority access to acquire 'hot off the press' Toolkit Resources 
  • Review of your coaching from video footage supplied
  • LTA licence points

What you give

  • Only £29 per month! - Toolkit Website Launch Offer!

For more information contact Paul Dent


mobile 07976 161665


Toolkit Workshops

Sussex County:   Date: 29th September 2010    Venue: Brighton, Esporta

Tennis Works:     Date: 5-6th December   Venue: Milton Keynes

Scottish Netball Performance Team (Invitation only): Date: 5th February 2011      Venue: Aberdeen

Avon County:   Date: 15th February    Venue: David Lloyd, Bristol

Tennis Works:    Date: 5-7th March 2011    Venue: Milton Keynes

Cumberland TC, London:    Date: 7th March 2011

Cumberland TC, London:    Date: 11th March 2011

Czech Republic Coaches Conference:          Date: 31st March - 1st April 2011   Venue: Prostejov

To Come...

Hertfordshire TennisCoachUK Conference:   Date: April 10th 2011   Venue: Queenswood School, Potters Bar

Tennis Works:                                          Date: 8th-9th May 2011     Venue: David Lloyd, Milton keynes


The Toolkit Course

Toolkit Course part I:          Date:  16th February 2011    Venue: Loughborough University

Toolkit Course part II:         Date:  8th March 2011           Venue: Loughborough University

Toolkit Course part III:        Date:  6th April 2011               Venue: Loughborough University

Toolkit Course part IV:        Date:  12th May 2011             Venue: Loughborough University

Download promotional leaflet here


Toolkit Course part I:           Date: 28th April 2011              Venue: Oxstalls, Gloucestershire

Toolkit Course part II:          Date: 20th May 2011              Venue: Oxstalls, Gloucestershire

Toolkit Courtse part III:        Date: 20th June 2011             Venue: Coombe Dingle, Bristol

Toolkit course part IV:         Date: 19th July 2011               Venue: Coombe Dingle, Bristol 

Download promotional leaflet here